Monologues : 30-Second Monologues

Original, unique 30- 45 second monologues for children and teens.   Listed in order of age.  Search by age (preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school), subject matter (diva, princess, sports) or simply scroll down the page.  We are also happy to offer suggestions if you are looking for a particular theme.  

Best of Performing Vibes and we are always happy to edit if needed.   Contact us at


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"Rowdy"      new!

Male or Female. Age range: All. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

What happens when you lose your dog, your best friend in the world?

"I can’t find him.  I’ve looked everywhere.  I don’t know what else to do.  (say passionately)  Rowdy, where are you? . . . . . . . ." 


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"Blackberries"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 4-6. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

Blackberries are the best!  Squishy, juicy and kid approved.  

" . . . . I went blackberry picking with my family and picked so many berries.  (scrunch nose) I also ate most of them, but they were looking at me and I think I heard one of them say (change voice to sound inviting) “Take a bite.”  (shrug)  I was taste testing. . . . . "

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"The Littlest Mermaid"      new!

Female. Age range: 4-6. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

The Littlest Mermaid loves being human for a day.  She has legs!

"I’m a mermaid.  You can’t tell because I have legs.  (wobble a little as you gesture at your legs).  Ariel has a potion mermaids can drink and be human for a day.  It’s so much fun. . . . AND I can walk to the ice cream store.  (say ice cream in a dreamy, blissful voice) Ice cream.   I love being a mermaid but sometimes being a human is great too."  


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"No More Barbies!"      new!

Female. Age range: 4-8. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

What do you do when all your birthday gifts are Barbies and all you really wanted was a Spiderman Action figure?  Come on Fairy Godmother.  Time to get to work.

"My Skin Care Tips"      new!

Female. Age range: 4-8. Total length: Approx. 45 seconds.

Betty Sue on TikTok is wrong!  That is NOT the way you take care of your skin.  These are MY skin care tips.  

"I just watched a TikTok from someone called “Betty Sue” who is telling kids (use southern accent if possible) “Dirt is good.  (touch face with finger at different spots) A little dirt here, a little dirt there; it adds shadow and contour.  So let’s git dirty.”  (Unbelieving wide-eyed shock, shaking head a little)  Unbelievable.  Here are (gesture at self) my skin care tips . . . . . "

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"Embracing My Pink"      new!

Male or Female. Age range: 4-8. Total length: Approx. 30 seconds.

A child decides to keep liking pink.  Even if it's not a "dramatic" or "cool" color.  

" . . . . But everyone else says pink is boring.  They say pink is a baby color.  They say I should like red because it’s (make voice exciting as you say) dramatic.  Or I should like purple because it’s (make voice cool) cool.  I tried . . . . "

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"No Babies Allowed"      new!

Male. Age range 4-8. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

A young boy does not appreciate the new baby in his house. Not at all! 

" . . . .The new baby at my house spends all his time screaming and (scrunch up face as if smelling something disgusting) making incredibly stinky diapers. (fling arms out angrily)  Why do we need a new baby anyway? . . . . "

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"Frog Fear"      new!

Male. Age range 4-8. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Frogs are awesome.  Too bad his sister has Frog Fear.  

" . . . .She started screaming (yell like the sister)  “FROG! Get it off, get it off.” (Make a terrified face like the sister) And then she ran away screaming that frog feet touched her and she will never be clean again. (giggle)  It was pretty fun. (tilt head to one side) . . . "

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"Letter to the Tooth Fairy"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 5-7. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

A child offers some advice to the Tooth Fairy.

*A Longer Version, approximately 45 seconds is also included in this purchase. 

"Dear Tooth Fairy.  Today I lost my first tooth.  My Mommy said that if put my tooth under my pillow, you would give me a dollar.  (Place letter in a pocket and put hands on hips with attitude)  A dollar?  Can’t you do better than that? ....."  

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"Sand Castles"      new!

Male or Female. Age Range 5-9. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

A child builds a sand castle dreaming of home. 

"Mommy said we had to move again.  I miss our home.  (smile) There were trees everywhere.  Now we live in apartments.  (shake head sadly)  No trees.  So I decided to make a sand castle of our home in the sandbox . . . . .)

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"Bunnyhood"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 5-9. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

A Bunny shares feelings including the horror of chocolate bunnies and hatred of carrots.  

" . . . . . Humans! They’re so needy. Always picking me up.  (very dramatic) I need my space!  And please do not eat a chocolate rabbit in front of me. (eyes wide with horror as you shudder)  Those poor bunnies.  Eaten alive! . . . . . "

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"Dear Julissa"      new!

Female. Age range 5-9. Total length: Approx. 30 seconds.

Trying to write a letter to your best friend who has moved away isn't easy.  A sweet, passionate, moving monologue of loss.  

"Dear Julissa. Do you like your new home? I hope you’re making lots of new friends. (Pause and voice starts to break) I hope . . . I hope . . . .  No. (tear paper in half) No, I don’t hope that! (tear paper again and let pieces fall to floor) . . ."

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"Wendy"      new!

Female. Age range 6-10. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

Growing up or flying to Neverland with Peter Pan?  

"He’s outside the window again.  Every day he says:  “Come away, come away to  the Neverland.”  I want to say yes. (look conflicted)  Mother says I must grown up. . . . . " 

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"The Stepsister"      new!

Female. Age range 6-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds

A cute, funny monologue that allows an actress to display a wide range of emotions (sarcasm, happiness, anger, surprise, pride) in 30 seconds!  

" . . . . Not only does my Mom have a new husband but now she has a brand new daughter to pay attention to. (undertone of anger)  I hate my stepsister already. They’ll probably get her new clothes and new toys and I’ll get the ratty old things. . . . . . . . "

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"So What?"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 6-12 . Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

So what if you're skin color is different?   So what if you're different Fairy Tale Animals?  We're all still the same.

This puchase includes 2 versions of the same monologue.  One version features kids & the other is a Fairy Tale version. 

" . . . . And Chinlee can tap dance. (look impressed)  I have no idea how her feet go so fast.  So we’re a little different, but we’re mostly the same.  Why does anyone care what color we are? . . .  ."

" . . . Well, no that’s not true.  If you kiss Farley, he turns into a Prince.  And Deena’s not really an ugly duckling; she’s a swan.  So we’re a little different. . . . . "

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"Man of the House"      new!

Male. Age range 7-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Man of the House? Does that mean shaving?  Pretending to clean out the garage? A young boy tries to imagine what his life is going to be like as the Man of the house. 

"I'm doomed.  My Dad is going away on a business trip.  He’s going to be gone for two weeks.  My Mom told me that means that now I'm the man of the house.  Me? (grab chest with both hands) Do I have to take over everything my Dad does?  . . . . . "

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"I Want to be a Supervillain"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 8-12. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

Everyone wants to be a Superhero but it's alot more fun to be a Supervillain!

" . . . . Yea, I know the Superhero always wins in the end.  (put hand or finger up when you say but) BUT the Supervillain always comes back.  (spread arms) There’s always a sequel. . . . . "

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"Virtual Boy" or "Virtual Girl"      new!

Male. Age range: 8-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

A boy is sooooooooooooooo tired of everything being online.  He wants his life back!

*For girls, change the line from Virtual Boy to Virtual Girl

" . . . . Dear parents: looking at videos of water slides, (put arms up mockingly) even with surround sound, is not as much fun as actually (shouting in frustration with fists clenched) GOING ON A WATER SLIDE.  These are my prime childhood years and I’m wasting them online.  . . . "

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"Let's Go Home, Toto"      new!

Female. Age range: 8-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds

Dorothy thought it would be fun to have her friends from Oz visit her school.  Bad idea.  Very bad idea.  

"Please don’t be mad at me Toto.  I thought our friends from Oz would like to visit Kansas.  (Look around wide-eyed)  Who knew Munchkins were such hooligans? . . . . . "

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"TikTok With Me"      new!

Female. Age range: 8-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

No school.  No camp.  Nothing new on TV.  A bored girl decides to start a TikTok channel.  

"Attention Kids of the World!  Are you bored?  I know I am.  There’s no school - yea! There’s no camp - boo! And I’ve already watched EVERYTHING on TV.  I bet you have too.  That means it’s time to watch me on Tik Tok . . . . "

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"The Dragon Confession"      new!

Male or Female. Age range: 8-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Trying to tell your parents that you found a Dragon isn't easy.  Especially when the Dragon tells you he wants a sheep for dinner "or else".  Yikes! 

" . . . .At first I thought it was cool to have my own dragon, (concerned) but things are getting weird. He keeps asking for candy because it turns out (spread arms in an unbelieving way) dragons are addicted to sugar. And he’s starting to look at me funny. He said he wants a sheep for dinner or else. (worried) I’m not sure what “or else” means . . . . . ."

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"The Foster Kid"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 8-12. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

Sad and confused, a kid begs to be just a kid again.  Not a foster kid.

Note:  This monologue includes the mention of death of family members.

"They call me a foster kid now.  But I had a family.  (small smile) A Mom, Dad and a little brother named Max.  (look confused)  But . . .  there was an accident.  . . . . . "

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"No Internet?"      new!

Female. Age range 8-12. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds

No electronic devices allowed at camp?  Are they SERIOUS?    

Longer Version, approximately 45 -50 seconds is included with this purchase.  

" . . . . How do they expect me to function without the internet?  (roll eyes)  It's like living in the Dark Ages. (raise hand and wave) Hello Counselor person.  We have a problem . . . "

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"Maybe I'm Adopted?"      new!

Female. Age range 8-12. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

My family is impossible.  TV families NEVER act like this.

"I’m so mad!  My family is impossible.  (whine)  Why are they ruining my life?  . . . . .  Maybe I’m adopted.  Now that would be a great TV episode."  


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"Divorce, Lifetime Movie Style"      new!

Female. Age range: 8-12. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

A girl sassily informs her parents that she is leaving them and moving in with Grandma until they stop fighting.  

"Dear Mom and Dad, I think we need a divorce. I’ve tried to be patient. I’ve tried to be hopeful and I’ve watched a lot of Lifetime movies. But nothing is changing. You fight every day. . . . . "  

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"Purr-fect"      new!

Male or Female, Age range 8-12. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

Life is practically purrrrrr-fect when you're a cat.  

". . . . Unfortunately the human child I live with (graceful catlike gesture to one side) has become something called (say word dubiously) a “teenager”.  My peaceful domain is now filled with noise and I am constantly being swung about. (Jerk side to side a little as if being swung about) I do NOT approve of this. . . . . . . "

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"Living with the Pet Whisperer"      new!

Female. Age range: 8-14. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Living with her Mother, the Pet Whisperer, is not easy and there's a very good reason she was late to cheerleading tryouts. 

" . . . . I love my Mom and I love animals but they are both ruining my life. We need some rules like NO ANIMALS IN THE SHOWER! Sharing a shower with a gerbil is not fun. . . . . . . . " 

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"Quarantine"      new!

Male. Age range: 8-14. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Life during Quarantine.  Bored, bored, BORED!!!!!! 

" . . . . . (whining)  What if it’s years before things go back to normal?  And we have to live like this until I’m old and grotty like my grandpa. (eyes widen in horror)  I’ll probably go bald like him.  Yikes! (grab hair)   I don’t want to go bald!  I’m pretty sure I’d look terrible with no hair. . . . . . "

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"The Couch Speaks Up"      new!

Male or Female. Age range: 8-14. Total length: Approx. 30 seconds.

It's not easy being a couch. 

" . . . . .It’s not easy being a couch either. People flopping down on you. Food everywhere. (wincing and scratching a little) I still have Doritos under my left cushion.  . . . . . "

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"Super Average"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 8 - 14. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

What are you supposed to do when you are the kid in the middle and great at nothing? 

"My older brother is super smart and great in sports. My younger sister is super cute and great in dance. And me?  I’m the kid in the middle who is great in nothing! My grades are average, my sport skills are average, (spread arms wide) my whole life is average. (suddenly thinks of something) . . . . . . . ."

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"Wake Up Alice"      new!

Female. Age range: 8-14. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Is Alice in Wonderland dreaming?  Why are people trying to take her to a hospital?   

" . . . No I don't want to go to the hospital. (Pleading) Oh won't you please listen?  I was drinking tea and the March Hare was telling a riddle. . . . . Wake up Alice.  Please wake up."

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"Lonely"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 10 and up. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

A kid struggles with feeling lonely. 

"I’m so lonely.  I go to school, do my homework, watch tv or tiktok.  Then I go to sleep, wake up and do the same things all over again.  (big sigh & then burst out with angrily)  I am so tired of these endless, empty days. . . . . . "

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"Hashtag: Hideous Selfies"      new!

Male or Female. Age Range: 10 and up. Total length: Approx 30 minutes.

Everyone has bad Selfies but this is ridiculous.  Hilarious monologue that gives you the opportunity to show your comedy skills!

(Actor/Actress is scrolling though phone) I have nothing to post on Instagram today.  (make faces as you look at photos)  Bad angle, this one you can see up my nostrils, giant forehead.  Ewww! . . . . . " 

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"Everything is Black"      new!

Male or Female. Age range 10 and up. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

When your world ends, everything is black.  A young person struggles to breathe after receiving news of an impending divorce.  

"I exist.  I know I exist.  But all I feel is black.  I move.  (take a step or two) I know I move.  But all I see is black. . . . . "

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"Mannequin Makeover"      new!

Female. Age range 10 and up. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

A Mannequin suddenly finds herself in a strange new position. 

"Why am I standing like this? I used to be the featured Mannequin in the Designer Department. (dreamy expression) I wore lovely dresses with beautiful accessories until I was moved here. (say with absolute loathing)  To Juniors.  I hate Juniors!  (Relieved sigh as you slowly straighten up, lowering arms to side as if being moved) . . . . . . . . . . . "

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"I'm Fine Mom"      new!

Male. Age Range: 12 and up. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

A boy sacrifices everything to keep his younger brother from being bullied.  

"Every morning at breakfast my Mom asks me how I am.  I always say (smiling, very cool, emphasize the word fine) “I’m fine Mom.  Everything is Fine”.  (Drop smile and eyes become sad and bleak)  I want to say my ribs hurt Mom, because Seth pushed me against my locker.  . . . . . "

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"Paree"      new!

Female. Age range 12 and up. Total length: Approx 30 seconds.

Paree!  The city of lights and the city of SHOES!  

" . . . . My Mom is taking me to Paris.  We're going to museums, monuments (roll eyes) the usual.  But all I want to do is go shoe shopping. (dreamy sigh) I love shoes! . . . ."

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"Teen for Hire"      new!

Male or Female. Age range: 13 and up. Total length: Approx. 30 seconds.

Everything costs money and this teen is ready to anything.  Well anything that doesn't interfere with school, after school activities and hanging with friends.  

" . . . . I’m willing to do anything. (pause and think a second) Well, anything that doesn’t interfere with my life.  I’d have to squeeze it in between school, soccer, and hanging with my friends. . . . . "


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"My Sassy Body Afterlife"      new!

Female. Age range 12 and up. Total Length: Approx 30 seconds.

A sassy Grandma is looking forward to the Afterlife.  This monologue is great for classroom acting lessons.  

This monologue was featured in the book "Active Listening by Michael Rost and J.J. Wilson.  

" . . . . . Yes I'm dying. . . .  I want my sassy body back in the Afterlife. I plan to date some aliens or maybe go white water rafting on Neptune. No sitting around on a cloud for me. . ." 

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